
AGEL group is the most successful healthcare provider
in Central Europe.



GastroenterologyGastroenterology is a dynamically developing branch of medicine which focuses on the care of patients‘ digestive tract, whose fast development is secured by world-leading gastroenterological departments implementing new curative procedures and methods. These prestigious centers in the Czech Republic not only respond to these changes but, at the same time, regularly participate in the development of this branch of medicine by conducting their own extensive research activities. All the centers in the Czech Republic are required to meet the most stringent standards associated with their country’s membership in the European Union and, furthermore, the world’s highest level of care of patient‘s digestive tract by its members is guaranteed by the Czech Gastroenterological Society. Due to the latest methods, close interdisciplinary cooperation as well as long-standing experience working in leading Czech state-of-the-art medical centers, gastroenterological care in the Czech Republic is, according to specialists the highest in Europe and worldwide.

In the Czech Republic, gastroenterology commonly plays a signifi cant role not only in diagnostics, but also in the treatment and palliation of tumor diseases of the digestive tract for instance at the leading clinics, the early stages of carcinomas are standardly treated by the endoscopic resection or ablation without the need of surgery. In addition, since 2000, the specialists in the Czech Republic regularly organize the national colorectal cancer screening program, which counts the Czech Republic among the world leading experts in preventive gastroenterology both in terms of the extent and quality.

Comprehensive gastroenterology center

GastroenterologyThe AGEL Comprehensive Gastroenterological Center is a newly built center for the comprehensive care of the digestive tract which annually provides a fi rst-class standard of treatment for more than 20,000 patients from all over the world. In addition to specialized clinics, inpatient wards, a complex of endoscopic examination rooms or a multi-disciplinary intensive care unit, the clinic also has the center for experimental endoscopy examining and developing the most complex endoscopic methods of world gastroenterology. The specialization of AGEL Comprehensive Gastroenterological Center can also be evidenced by both its membership in the Czech Gastroenterologic Society and the highest accreditation by the Ministry of Health for a university medical center. The center also cooperates with several world leading clinics and is fully adjusted to accept foreign patients who are provided here with healthcare and other comprehensive services.  The greatest asset of the AGEL Comprehensive Gastroenterological Center is its technological equipment and strong personnel background involving several highly knowledgeable, attested specialists in the fi eld of gastroenterology, internal medicine and several leading nutritionists. The center always applies a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of ill people, ensuring maximum effectiveness of the treatment. As a result of this, its specialists often cooperate with the specialists from the area of radiology, biochemistry, surgery, oncology or pathology. The center provides its patients with a comprehensive spectrum of both the diagnostic and therapeutic digestive endoscopy and its main specializations also include for instance endoscopic treatment of alimentary canal tumours or treatment of intestinal infl ammation, pancreatic and biliary tree diseases or problems related to nutrition.

The highly specialized center is also underlined by the implementation of state-of-the-art endoscopic methods. The specialists from the AGEL Comprehensive Gastroenterologic Center were the fi rst in the Czech Republic to remove early tumours of the digestive canal using a method of endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection. They introduced completely new technologies such as the radio frequency ablation for Barret‘s oesophagus or cholangioscopy using the Spyglass system. The center can also be proud of more than 1,000 successful cytological collections under the endosonographical navigation. The professional team views its patients as its partners, whose interests are the absolute priority for them. It is for this reason as well that this center commonly applies a method of endoscopic examination of the selected part of the digestive tract using a capsule, which is very popular among the patients and which ensures a completely non-invasive and indolent alternative when compared to the traditional examination.